"At the beginning of 2010 I came across my diary from last year. I had a quick flick through and was hit with the realisation of exactly how much my life has changed since January ’09. My diary is littered with words like ‘Golden Globes’, ‘Baftas’, ‘Brits’ and ‘The Oscars’ – all of which my working life revolved around...

Fast forward a year and my January is barren. The pages are a wasteland of days and dates and woefully empty pages. My poor, poor moleskin must have been sobbing into its perfectly intact spine at such a pitiful sight..."

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Make Do And Mend


2 years ago; was working in a job that I was really good at, getting paid some pretty serious cash, living cheap and being able to do pretty much anything I had ever dreamed of. And did. Got up to all sorts of mayhem, with money behind me to back up my foul play.

Something was not right though.

Felt odd, and could never relax.

Started having dreams of when I was young; seemed a hell of a lot happier then, despite having no money.

Well, hilariously, I got fired.

Went from having a very large wage and nothing to spend it on, to having nothing, with nothing to spend it on.

Being quite a resourceful lad, mainly due to being skint as a youth, I decided to make the most of what I had laying around my house, which turned out to be quite a lot.

Built myself a server from spare computer parts, and started hosting a few websites, in a bid to make cash. It worked.

So, I sort of feel a bit better, but in all honesty, I wish I was back there, when I was young, listening to recordings of radio shows on my walkman, walking through the misty fields...

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