"At the beginning of 2010 I came across my diary from last year. I had a quick flick through and was hit with the realisation of exactly how much my life has changed since January ’09. My diary is littered with words like ‘Golden Globes’, ‘Baftas’, ‘Brits’ and ‘The Oscars’ – all of which my working life revolved around...

Fast forward a year and my January is barren. The pages are a wasteland of days and dates and woefully empty pages. My poor, poor moleskin must have been sobbing into its perfectly intact spine at such a pitiful sight..."

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Preened And Not So Perfect

Today, while driving to meet Jojo on the Heath I spent most of the journey peeling remnants of baby rice off my cheek. My trousers and t-shirt were covered in it too – either from the fallout from spoon to mouth, or the aftermath from stomach to bib.

There’s something really refreshing about not being waxed and polished; sleek and in heels 110% of the time.